"Mechanisms in medicine" è il tittolo della Conferenza organizzata per il 3-5 luglio 2017 dal Centre for Reasoning dell'University of Kent in Canterbury, UK, all'interno del progetto Evaluating evidence in medicine. Il convegno vedrà insieme filosofi e ricercatori biomedici nel tentativo di stabilire se e in che modo l'evidenza del meccanismo possa migliorare l'elaborazione della decisione in medicina.
Tra i relatori Raffaella Campaner (University of Bologna), Daniel Commenges (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center), Jeremy Howick (Oxford University), Stathis Psillos (University of Athens), Daniel Steel (The University of British Columbia), Kurt Straif (International Agency for Research on Cancer), John Worrall (LSE).
"Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a relatively recent technique for supporting clinical decisions by the current best evidence. While it is uncontroversial that we should use the current best evidence in clinical decision making, it is highly controversial what the best evidence is. EBM considers evidence from clinical trials, in particular, randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews of those trials to be the best evidence. On the other hand, evidence of mechanisms that is obtained by means other than clinical trials is considered to be of low quality" ...
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